How much radiation is in a digital X-ray?
A dentist may recommend getting a dental cleaning and new digital X-rays about every six months depending on your age and oral health. Because of the radiation involved, some people may wonder whether digital X-rays are safe. They may ask: “How much radiation is really used?” and “Is it harmful?”
The answer: Digital dental X-rays expose patients to only a minuscule amount of radiation–a low enough amount that it is no cause for concern. To put it in perspective, according to the American Nuclear Society, two hours in a jet plane exposes you to more radiation than a dental X-ray does. In addition, the more modern an X-ray machine is, the less radiation exposure.
In Terms of Rems
Radiation is measured in units called “rems.” Rems can be broken down into smaller units, millirems, or “mrems.” There are 1000 mrems in 1 rem. A dental X-ray only exposes you to about 2 or 3 mrems. Meanwhile, it is estimated that residents of the US receive around 360 mrems of radiation from background exposure to everyday objects each year. Naturally occurring radiation is all around us, even in our own bodies.
Why X-rays Are Essential
X-rays are important to dentistry because they detect oral problems early. Such problems may require a root canal, an extraction, crowns, or fillings. Fixing these issues earlier, before they become worse, can save patients time, money, and pain overall. X-rays can also show cancer or tumors in the neck and jaw.
Digital X-rays produce higher-quality images, along with making dental records easier to transfer. They bring dentists and patients undeniable benefits, making them a great option for keeping dental health in check.
Stay proactive and save money in the long run! To get up-to-date dental X-rays, schedule an appointment at My Ogden Dentist today.