What's the Most Effective Way to Whiten Teeth?

What's the Most Effective Way to Whiten Teeth?

Do you hide your teeth when smiling or laughing because your teeth have stains or discoloration? You are not alone. Approximately one-third of Americans are unhappy with their smile. Fortunately, there are many teeth whitening solutions available, some more effective than others. The most effective solution is professional teeth whitening treatment from a dentist like My Ogden Dentist in Ogden, Utah.

1.   Professional teeth whitening

This is the quickest and most effective way to whiten your teeth. Your dentist applies a highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide gel to your teeth. This solution stays on the teeth for up to 30 minutes, and then your dentist wipes it off and may or may not repeat the process depending on your treatment plan. They might direct a special light onto your teeth to speed up the whitening process. This is the quickest option if you want your teeth to be multiple shades whiter, and the results are immediate.

2.   Take-home whitening trays

The second most effective option is take-home whitening kits or trays. These are prescribed and provided to you by your dentist, making them almost as effective as in-office whitening treatments.

Your dentist provides you with custom trays and a lower concentration hydrogen peroxide gel. You will fill the trays with the gel and wear them on your teeth to remove stains and discoloration. Most people see results from this method in about 10-14 days, but results will vary.

3.   Over-the-counter whitening strips

Whitening strips are plastic strips with a hydrogen peroxide whitening agent on them. They are to be placed on your teeth once a day for about 20 minutes. One box or regimen of whitening strips can whiten your teeth up to two shades whiter.

While there are many teeth whitening solutions, in-office whitening treatments remain the quickest and most effective. Call My Ogden Dentist today to schedule your professional teeth whitening treatment!

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