Is Periodontal Therapy Necessary?
Healthy gums are just as important as healthy teeth. If you have periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, regular treatment is essential for keeping it under control. This treatment is known as periodontal therapy.
Periodontal Therapy and Disease
Also known as periodontal scaling or root planing, periodontal therapy is a treatment for periodontal disease – a bacterial infection of the gums causing bleeding, gum detachment, bone loss, and eventually tooth loss. Almost half of all adults over 30 years old have periodontal disease, and it is the top reason for needing dentures.
Periodontal Therapy Procedure
To begin periodontal treatment, the dental hygienist numbs the area with a local anesthetic to decrease discomfort. They use a scaling tool to reach under the gum line and remove bacteria and tartar from the root surfaces. Then, the hygienist cleans your teeth and roots using a scaler and an ultrasonic cleaner to remove plaque and tartar buildup.
Most patients require two sessions of periodontal therapy, each session lasting about an hour and a half.
If left untreated, this disease will cause the gum to detach from the tooth and create pocket formations, and bacteria will cause bone deterioration.
After Treatment
Following the procedure, pockets should begin to decrease, and the gums will heal. You may feel some gum sensitivity, however, this should subside in about 24 hours.
To see the best results from periodontal therapy, keep a good oral hygiene routine and see your dentist for an exam every six months. If you have periodontal disease, your dentist will recommend you return after three months for maintenance cleanings and to prevent relapse.
For more information or to schedule an appointment for periodontal therapy, call or stop by My Ogden Dentist!