Is Professional Teeth Cleaning Worth it?
If you have a thorough dental hygiene regimen of brushing and flossing daily, you may think it’s unnecessary to visit the dentist for teeth cleaning. Brushing and flossing are essential for keeping healthy teeth but are not enough. Regular professional cleanings are necessary for preventing cavities, maintaining healthy gums, and monitoring your oral health.
Monitor Overall Oral Health
When you have your teeth cleaned, the dentist or dental hygienist will examine your oral health first before cleaning your teeth. Using a small handheld mirror, he or she will check your teeth, gums, and the inside of your mouth. They will look for things like lesions, damaged fillings, signs of gingivitis, or anything out of the ordinary.
Checking for gingivitis and gum disease is especially important because gum disease is the main cause of tooth loss. When you have a professional cleaning every six months, your dentist and dental hygienist can monitor your gum health to prevent tooth loss as you get older. They can also get to know your overall dental health and note any changes that occur.
Remove Plaque and Tartar
Plaque is a substance that grows on your teeth because of a chemical reaction that happens when your saliva combines with the sugars in your food. Unfortunately, it’s just not possible to remove all plaque from your teeth on your own just by brushing. Some plaque in hard-to-reach places will remain and turn into calculus, or tartar. Plaque and tartar, when not removed, can turn into cavities. The only way to remove tartar is by a professional cleaning.
Regular professional teeth cleanings are an important part of good oral hygiene. Call My Ogden Dentist today to schedule a cleaning!